• maryfranz_

    March 15, 2023 at 1:55 pm

    1. Start planning and create a to-do list

    If you want to get everything done on time, you must create a to-do list and stick to it. You should add there all the necessary tasks that you should do and follow them. In addition, you should also create a week plan and a month plan, which will give you the chance to analyze your time.

    2. Separate the important tasks from unimportant ones

    If you have too many things to be done, make sure to separate the most important ones and concentrate on them.

    3. Stop wasting your time

    You need to understand how you are wasting your time and stop doing it. For example, you should stop taking on the phone too much or checking your social media pages every single minute.

    4. Don’t work on 2 projects at once

    You should understand that working on several tasks at once does not increase your productivity, instead it wastes your time. So, make sure to understand which project has closer deadline and start from it.

    5. Break big projects into smaller tasks

    If you have big projects and you have many things to be done, for example design a logo, create a webpage, create CTAs and so on, make sure to break down these works. It will be also easier for you, if you put separate deadlines for each of them.

    6. First do the project you hate

    We always skip those tasks that we hate. However, it should not be done so. First of all you should do all the projects you hate, and then pass to others that you enjoy. In this case, you will not be worried again and again.

    7. Find the more productive time for you

    There are people who love working in the mornings and there are people who love working late at nights. You should understand which time of the day is the most productive for you and start working at that time.

    8. Create your own deadlines

    A great way to make sure that you will get everything done on time, is setting your own deadlines. Make sure to set your deadline before the deadline of the client. In this case you will get the task done in advance and you will have the time to review it and correct the mistakes.

    9. Don’t put everything till the last minute

    Even though you have a deadline after 2 weeks, make sure to do it in advance and don’t put it till the last moment. Don’t relax during the working hours. If you do your work, you will see how enjoyable will be your relaxing time, as you won’t worry about your work anymore

    10. Avoid things that interrupt you

    There are many things that can distract you from your work, for example noise, too much light and so on. So make sure to work in circumstances, where there are no distractions.

    11. Use time management tools

    There are many applications on the web that can help you manage your time. So, try to download some of them.

    12. Take care of your computer

    One of the most annoying things, that both wastes your nerves and time is when your computer stops working or works slowly because of viruses and too many programs. So, make sure to maintain your hardwares and softwares in a good form.

    13. Devote enough time to both personal and professional life

    In order to be successful both in your career and personal life, you should devote enough time to each of them. Don’t devote your time to just one of them. Make sure to combine your personal and professional life and to live a balanced and happy life.

    14. Have some breaks

    If you work for example 7-9 hours, make sure to have regular breaks. If you love coffee, make sure to do a break every 3 hours and drink a coffee or eat something. If you keep working without breaks your productivity will definitely decrease.

    15. Reward yourself when you finish your tasks

    One of the best way to keep people motivated is diving them rewards. Do this to yourself as well. Make sure to reward yourself after finishing the tasks for example by buying a good chocolate or watching a great movie with a friend.

    • zeus

      March 15, 2023 at 1:56 pm

      Thanks for this i will try this

    • Ruztien

      March 15, 2023 at 1:58 pm

      Thank you for sharing this list!

    • alex

      March 15, 2023 at 3:02 pm

      this is nice but as an artist I like to cram for adrenaline🤣

    • lemueljohn

      March 15, 2023 at 3:08 pm

      thanks for making the effort listing these

    • kobe

      March 15, 2023 at 3:22 pm

      Thank you for sharing this!

    • JayT.

      March 15, 2023 at 3:23 pm

      Thank you for sharing this!

  • Jonathan

    March 15, 2023 at 3:05 pm

    Graphic designers can finish their tasks on time by managing their time effectively and setting clear deadlines for themselves. They can also prioritize their tasks based on their importance and the deadline. Proper planning and communication with their clients or team members can also help them stay on track and ensure that the project is completed on time.

  • Marion

    August 2, 2023 at 7:36 pm

    Graphic designers can ensure they finish their tasks on time by implementing effective time management and organizational strategies. Here are some tips to help them meet deadlines and deliver their work promptly:

    1. Set Clear Goals and Prioritize: Start by defining clear objectives for each project and break them down into smaller, manageable tasks. Prioritize these tasks based on their importance and deadlines.

    2. Create a Project Timeline: Develop a timeline or schedule that outlines the different stages of the design process, including research, concept development, design iterations, and finalization. Allocate specific time frames for each stage to keep the project on track.

    3. Use Project Management Tools: Utilize project management tools, such as Trello, Asana, or Basecamp, to help organize tasks, track progress, and collaborate with team members or clients efficiently.

    4. Avoid Procrastination: Start working on tasks promptly and avoid unnecessary delays. Break large tasks into smaller chunks to make them less daunting and easier to tackle.

    5. Time Blocking: Allocate specific time blocks for design work, limiting distractions during those periods to maintain focus and productivity.

    6. Eliminate Time-wasting Activities: Identify and reduce time-wasting activities during the workday, such as excessive social media use or non-work-related browsing.

    7. Set Realistic Deadlines: Be realistic when setting project deadlines. Factor in potential setbacks or revisions, and communicate the timeline clearly with clients or stakeholders.

    8. Breaks and Rest: While it’s essential to stay productive, taking short breaks throughout the day can help prevent burnout and maintain creativity.

    9. Avoid Overcommitting: Be cautious not to take on more projects than you can handle within the given timeframe. Overcommitting may lead to rushed or subpar work.

    10. Communication with Clients or Team Members: Maintain open communication with clients or team members throughout the project. Regularly update them on the progress and address any concerns or changes promptly.

    11. Learn Efficient Design Techniques: Continuously improve your design skills and explore efficient design techniques that can help you work more effectively.

    12. Templates and Design Assets: Utilize templates and design assets when appropriate to speed up the design process without compromising quality.

    13. Review and Final Checks: Allocate time for reviewing and proofreading the final design to ensure accuracy and quality before submission.

    14. Learn from Past Projects: After completing a project, reflect on the process and identify areas for improvement. Learn from past experiences to optimize future workflows.

    By adopting these strategies, graphic designers can better manage their time, meet deadlines consistently, and deliver high-quality work to their clients or stakeholders.

  • ainz

    January 16, 2024 at 9:04 am

    Thank you for sharing this


    January 16, 2024 at 9:07 am


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